Trova qualcosa e fallo meglio di chiunque altro...

venerdì 8 gennaio 2016

Ricevo e condivido:

Hello Renato 
First of all , i am struggling enough to find out a best book for trading efficiently  quickly at the moment , and recently i have discovered your fantastic book TRADING SYSTEMS AND IMMEDIATE PRACTICES , i found it very instructive and well explained among all other books existing on the Internet which spend so much time on details unreconstructed through the most important mechanical underneath the real technique , so i am wandering if you do have some live lessons Video Training Course and where i can presumably get them ? furthermore any good and straightforward useful technique including books recommendations , files , documents and video would be welcomed as well , any way your mastering  aspect is well distinguished among of other authors specialist in Trading especially your long valuable impressive experience , hence i am a Data scientist and i am well interested on the rationality mathematical practical issue under the hood , and for that obvious reason , i enjoyed totally reading your book , many thanks to you 

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